Prisoners in 19 Iranian prisons have declared a hunger strike

Iran Human Rights Monitor     |     August 27, 2024

Two members of the Italian Parliament and a group of prisoners from Tehran’s Greater Prison joining the ‘Tuesdays Against Execution’ campaign.

The ‘No to Executions on Tuesdays’ campaign has entered its 31st week with a significant escalation as prisoners in 19 Iranian facilities have declared a hunger strike. On August 27, 2024, prisoners in Tehran’s Greater Prison joined the growing movement, which protests the Iranian government’s widespread use of the death penalty. Initially established as a weekly protest against the Iranian government’s extensive use of the death penalty, the campaign has seen a surge in participation following the execution of at least 100 individuals in August 2024 alone.

In a statement on August 27, 2024, the prisoners condemned the escalating repression by Iranian authorities, highlighting oppressive measures taken against those involved in the campaign. Examples include the denial of basic rights, such as phone calls and visits for female inmates at Evin Prison, and the solitary confinement of political prisoner Armita Pavir in Tabriz Prison.

The statement also criticized the newly appointed government, referring to it as a “cabinet of repression and execution,” and warned of increased crackdowns on civil society. Despite these challenges, the prisoners pledged to continue their resistance and called on others to join the “No to Executions on Tuesdays” campaign.

The movement has also resonated internationally, with notable support from Italian lawmakers who have expressed solidarity with the cause. Global backing is seen as essential in the fight against the death penalty, and the campaign organizers have called on the international community to take a stronger stand.

The prisoners involved in the hunger strike, located in various facilities such as Evin Prison, Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj Central Prison, and others, expressed their gratitude for the support they have received, both within Iran and from the international community. They reiterated their call for all prisoners and global citizens to join in the effort to abolish the death penalty and end torture in Iran.

The final section of the prisoners’ statement reads: “Once again, we urge all prisoners in various jails to join the ‘No to Executions on Tuesdays’ campaign. We also call on all awakened consciences around the world to support this campaign in the fight against the death penalty.”

The “No to Executions on Tuesdays” campaign continues to gain momentum, reflecting a growing movement against capital punishment in Iran with increasing international involvement.

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