Congressmen McClintock and Cohen Condemn Iranian Crackdown


Congressmen McClintock and Cohen Condemn Iranian Crackdown

September 29, 2022     |     Press Release

WASHINGTON — Today, Congressman Tom McClintock (CA-04) and Congressman Steve Cohen (TN-09), Co-Chairs of the Congressional Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus, issued the following statement condemning the brutality of the Iranian regime’s revolutionary guards and expressing support for protesters following the death of Mahsa Amini:

“As Co-Chairs of the Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus (IHRDC), we support the freedom fighting people of Iran and their valiant struggle for a free, democratic, secular republic.  We condemn the clerical rulers in Tehran for their violent suppression of protesters and demand that the international community hold authorities in the Iranian regime accountable for crimes against their citizens.

“Specifically, the Iran regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, and its president, Ebrahim Raisi, must be held accountable for killing scores of freedom seeking protesters.

“We are particularly inspired by the leadership of women in the ranks of the Iranian resistance, as well as the visible participation and sacrifice of the Iranian youth who have formed resistance units across Iran.  The protesters in the streets of Iran are calling for an end to the totalitarian regime and are seeking a form of governance that derives its legitimacy from the people, not from an unelected single party.

“Here in the United States House of Representatives, 257 members of Congress – a strong bipartisan majority – have co-sponsored House Resolution 118 which expresses support for the Iranian people’s desire for a democratic, secular, and non-nuclear republic of Iran and condemns the violations of human rights and state sponsored terrorism by the Iranian Government.  This is a strong statement that the people of the United States and their government have stood and will continue to stand in solidarity with the Iranian people’s fight for freedom.

“As a republic that is also the flag bearer of a secular democracy, America can and must recognize the Iranian people’s democratic aspirations and their right to establish a free, secular, and Democratic Republic in Iran.”


America Must Stand with the People of Iran

Speech    |      Rep. Tom McClintock     |     September 29, 2022

Congressman McClintock delivered the following remarks on the House floor.

Watch the full remarks here and a transcript is below:

Mr. Speaker:

For two weeks now, the long-suffering people of Iran have taken to the streets to confront the thugocracy that has oppressed them for more than 40 years.

Today, America must stand with the people of Iran.

House Resolution 118 has 257 co-sponsors representing both political parties, expressing its support for the Iranian resistance.  I urge the leadership to bring it to the floor immediately for a vote.

It’s time for the United States to step forward with material support for the freedom movement.

They need direct satellite access to the Internet that the regime has denied them on the ground;

They need us to restore economic sanctions against the regime;

This time, in this hour, let the United States stand with the people of Iran and by so doing to honor those proud words on our Liberty Bell, to proclaim liberty throughout all the land and unto all the inhabitants thereof.  


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